Transform Your Kitchen with RATIONAL, IRINOX and Invacus/Henkelman

How much product are you throwing out each day? How much time are you and your team spending prepping and cleaning each day? The answer to both questions is probably more than you would prefer. We have the solution, thanks to equipment from RATIONAL, IRINOX and INVACUS.

Our regional chef partners from all three companies were cooking up delicious food in our Demo Kitchen this week, showing how their equipment works together to save kitchens time and money. A zero waste kitchen is possible – we can show you how!

RATIONAL’s iCombi and iVario have the advanced technology to streamline production and cook more efficiently without sacrificing quality. Chef David Johnivin from RATIONAL showed demo visitors how quickly he could cook up chicken for tacos. And how hands-off he could be, thanks to cooking processes programmed on the iCombi.

IRINOX blast chillers preserve food quality, so all the amazing food you purchase and prepare can be frozen at the peak of freshness. Chef Michael Marsh from IRINOX served demo visitors desserts that were prepared and frozen in April – they were just as delicious this week as they were in the spring.

Invacus/Henkelman vacuum sealers make storage easy. After food is cooked in the RATIONAL and shock frozen with the IRINOX, it can be vacuum sealed with a Henkelman. Gentle enough for fragile items like raspberries and lettuce, Henkelman can extend the life of your products so nothing goes to waste. For example, lettuce can be stored for up to 4 weeks if packaged with a Henkelman!

Contact us to schedule a demo and learn how you can transform your kitchen today!

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